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  1. Sakaguchi, M., and Inouye, S.: Measurement of indoor airborne allergens with immunoassay methods and its application: with special reference to mites and animal allergens. Journal of Japan Air Cleaning Association 30, 10-18, 1993.

  2. Sakaguchi, M., and Inouye S.: Pet allergens. Genetics 48, 34-38, 1994.

  3. Sakaguchi, M .: Japanese cedar pollinosis and T cell epitopes. Gendai Iryogaku 10, 173-175, 1995.

  4. Sakaguchi, M., Inouye, S.: Allergenicity of gelatin. Infection Inflammation Immunology 25, 272-274,1995.

  5. Sakaguchi, M., Inouye, S.: Immediate systemic reaction to the vaccine stabilizer gelatin. Clinics and Virus 23, 291-295, 1995.

  6. Sakaguchi. M., Inouye, S.: Immunological analysis of Japanese cedar pollinosis in humans and monkeys. Modern Media 42, 49-55, 1996.

  7. Sakaguchi, M.: Future prospects in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases in pets. Small Animal Clinic 102, 4-9, 1996.

  8. Sakaguchi, M., Inouye, S.: Spontaneous cedar pollinosis in Japanese monkeys and dogs. Allergology and Immunology 3, 62-66, 1996.

  9. Sakaguchi, M., Inouye, S.: Vaccine adverse reactions and gelatin allergy. Infectious Diseases 26, 198-202, 1996.

  10. Sakaguchi, M.: Immunological determination of mite and cockroach allergens in indoor environment and its application. Medical Entomology and Zoology 47, 307-316, 1996.

  11. Sakaguchi, M., Inouye, S.: Spontaneous animal model of cedar pollinosis. Journal of Therapy 79, 381-385, 1997.

  12. Sakaguchi, M.: Pet-keeping status and pet allergens in the environment. Allergy in Practice17, 100-104, 1997.

  13. Sakaguchi, M., Inouye, S.: Immediate systemic adverse reactions including anaphylaxis after vaccination. Modern Physician 17, 313-316, 1997Sakaguchi, M, Inouye S: Stabilizers for vaccines. Clinical Microbiology 24, 115-119, 1997.

  14. Sakaguchi, M, Inouye S: Stabilizers for vaccines. Clinical Microbiology 24, 115-119, 1997.

  15. Sakaguchi, M., Inouye, S.: Pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis. Journal of Modern Veterinary Medicine 29, 5-10, 1997.

  16. Sakaguchi, M., Inouye, S.: Anaphylaxis due to gelatin. Allergology 3, 464-469, 1997.

  17. Sakaguchi, M.: Determination of environmental allergens with a focus on mite allergens. Allergy in Practice 17, 494-498, 1997.

  18. Sakaguchi, M., Inouye, S.: Vaccine and allergy, SRL Hokan Quaterly 21, 86-91, 1997.

  19. Sakaguchi, M.: Immunization and gelatin allergy. Infectious Diseases and Chemotherapy 4, 13-16, 1998.

  20. Sakaguchi, M.: Pet and cedar pollen allergens as indoor environmental allergens. Public Health Research 47, 19-23, 1998.

  21. Sakaguchi, M., Inouye, S.: Anaphylaxis due to gelatin in vaccines and drugs. Respiration Research 17, 973-977, 1998.

  22. Sakaguchi, M.: In vitro diagnostic methods and future prospects in canine allergic diseases. Journal of Veterinary Medicine 51, 835-839, 1998.

  23. Sakaguchi, M.: Standardization of cedar pollen allergen extracts: significance of analysis of major allergens. Japanese Journal of Allergology 47, 1233-1236, 1998.

  24. Sakaguchi, M.: Dust mites and allergy. Associate Doctors and Students 5, 98-101, 1999.

  25. Sakaguchi, M.: Mechanism of itch. Journal of Small Animal Medicine 1, 4-9, 1999.

  26. Toda, M.,Sakaguchi, M.: Suppression of pollinosis by allergen DNA vaccine. Clinical Immunology 32, 186-189, 1999.

  27. Toda, M.,Sakaguchi, M.: Allergy treatment by DNA immunization. Clinical Immunology 32, 622-626, 1999.

  28. Toda, M.,Sakaguchi, M.: DNA vaccine. Medical Care 54, 89-93, 2000.

  29. Toda, M.,Sakaguchi, M.: DNA vaccine therapy for pollinosis. Allergology 9, 109-115, 2000.

  30. Sakaguchi, M.: Analysis of Japanese monkeys (Macaca fucata) and dogs with naturally occurring Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) pollinosis. Allergy and Immunology 31, 97-98, 2000.

  31. Sakaguchi, M., Toda, M., Hirahara, K., Shiraishi, A.: Vaccine development in cedar pollinosis. Allergology 10, 185-190, 2000.

  32. Sakaguchi,M., Toda. M., Hirahara. K., Shiraishi. A., Inouye, S.: Road to conquering pollinosis: development of peptide and DNA vaccines for the treatment of cedar pollinosis.  Progress in Medicine 20, 2489-2492, 2000.

  33. Sakaguchi, M. and Inouye S.: Systemic allergic reactions to gelatin included in vaccines as a stabilizer. Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases 53,189-195, 2000.

  34. Sakaguchi, M., Toda, M., Hirahara, K., Shiraishi, A., Inouye, S.: Antigen-specific immunotherapy for cedar pollinosis. Allergology 11,174-179, 2001.

  35. Sakaguchi, M., Toda, M., Hirahara, K., Shiraishi, A., Inouye, S.: Allergen-specific treatment of cedar pollinosis. Allergy in Practice 21, 189-193, 2001.

  36. Sakaguchi,M.: Development of allergen-specific vaccine therapy in cedar pollinosis. Japanese Journal of Pediatric Allergy 15, 62-66, 2001.

  37. Sakaguchi, M.: Incidence of systemic immediate-type allergic adverse reactions after live vaccination. Journal of Pediatric Clinical Pharmacology, Allergy and Immunology 7, 49-58, 2001.

  38. Sakaguchi, M., Masuda, K., Tsujimoto, H., Nigi, H.: Spontaneous animal model of cedar pollinosis. Journal of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery 18, 65-68, 2002.

  39. Sakaguchi, M., Inouye, S.: Spontaneous animal models for cedar pollinosis. I Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 200, 397-400, 2002.

  40. Sakaguchi, M.: Current status and future of next generation therapeutic vaccine development for cedar pollinosis. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 200, 443-446, 2002.

  41. Sakaguchi, M., Toda, M.: DNA therapy for cedar pollinosis. Modern Physician 22, 213-217, 2002.

  42. Sakaguchi, M., Hirahara, K., Shiraishi, A.: Development of peptide vaccines in cedar pollinosis. Allergology 13, 75-79, 2002.

  43. Hirahara, K., Toda, M., Shiraishi, A.,Sakaguchi, M.: New specific immunotherapy for cedar pollinosis. Journal of Biotechnology 80, 152-155, 2002.

  44. Sakaguchi, M., Toda, M., Hirahara, K., Shiraishi, A.: Future of advanced medicine in allergic rhinitis and vaccine therapy. Contemporary Medical Science 34, 1257-1261, 2002.

  45. Sakaguchi, M., Arikawa, N., Iwasaki, T.: Monitoring of pet allergens in the environment and environmental maintenance. Allergy in Practice 38, 692-696, 2002.

  46. Sakaguchi, M., Inouye, S.: Anaphylaxis caused by gelatin in vaccines: its occurrence and resolution. Latest Medical Science 57, 1900-1904, 2002.

  47. Sakaguchi, M., Takahashi, H.: Determination of environmental allergens. Comprehensive Clinical Practice 52, 539-544, 2003.

  48. Sakaguchi, M., Toda, M., Hirahara, K., Shiraishi, A.: Current status of peptide therapy for cedar pollinosis. Allergology 15, 133-139, 2003.

  49. Sakaguchi, M., Toda, M., Hirahara, K., Shiraishi, A.: Antigen-specific immunotherapy for cedar pollinosis. Clinical Immunology 39, 308-314, 2003.

  50. Sakaguchi, M., Hirahara, K.: How far has the treatment of hay fever progressed? Gendai Kagaku 386, 39-43, 2003.

  51. Ohmori, H,,Sakaguchi, M,, Masuda, K,, Tsujimoto, H,: Post-vaccination allergic reaction in dogs. Journal of Small Animal Medicine 6,30-36, 2003.

  52. Sakaguchi, M,: Advances in immunotherapy for cedar pollinosis. Chemical Engineering 49, 421-426, 2004.

  53. Sakaguchi, M,: Indoor environment and allergens: airborne mite allergens and environmental maintenance. Journal of the Electrostatic Society of Japan 28, 164-166, 2004.

  54. Sakaguchi, M.: Mechanism of itchiness. Journal for Veterinary Practitioner 17, 8-13, 2004.

  55. Sakaguchi, M., Kaburaki. Y.: Advances in immunotherapy in cedar pollinosis. Allergology 19, 77-84, 2005.

  56. Sakaguchi, M. and Hirahara, K.: Development of new immunotherapies for Japanese cedar pollinosis. Current Medicinal Chemistry Anti-inflammatory and Anti-allergy Agents. 4, 193-198, 2005.

  57. Sakaguchi, M.: Measurement of indoor airborne mite allergens. Allerogology Interernational 54, 35-38, 2005.

  58. Sakaguchi, M., Fujimura, M.: IgE antibody assay and its problems. Visual Veterinary Dermatology 1, 23-27, 2005.

  59. Fujimura. T., Ono, K., Shigeta, S.,Sakaguchi, M.: Current status of cedar pollen allergen analysis. Allergology 19, 557-562, 2005.

  60. Sakaguchi, M.: Vaccine therapy for cedar pollinosis. Medical Practice 22, 1816-1818, 2005.

  61. Sakaguchi, M.: Development and prospects of immunotherapy for cedar pollinosis. Allergology 21, 7-12, 2006.

  62. Sakaguchi, M.: DNA vaccine immunotherapy for cedar pollinosis. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 216, 388-392,2006.

  63. Sakaguchi, M., Fujimura, T.: Pollen as an allergen. Clinical Investigation 50, 129-137,2006.

  64. Sakaguchi, M.: Molecular biological analysis of allergens 7) Gelatin allergens. Allergy and Immunology 13, 370-376,2006.

  65. Hirahara, K.,Sakaguchi,M.: Development of a new allergen-specific therapy 2) Peptide immunotherapy for cedar pollinosis. Allergy and Immunology 13, 394-399,2006.

  66. Sakata, S.,Sakaguchi, M.: Inactivation of allergens by enzyme radicals. Clean Technology 16, 6-9,2006.

  67. Sakaguchi, M.: Advances in vaccine therapy in allergic diseases. Pediatrics Clinical Practice 59,1237-1244, 2006.

  68. Ohmori,K.,Sakaguchi, M., Tsujimoto, H.: Mechanism of allergic reaction after vaccination in dogs. Journal of the Japanese Small Animal Veterinary Medical Association 46, 3-9, 2006.

  69. Sakaguchi, M.: CpG vaccine in ragweed pollinosis. Allergy and Immunology 13, 1263-1267, 2006.

  70. Sakaguchi, M.: DNA vaccine therapy incorporating T-cell epitope genes in the invariant strand. Clinical Immunology and Allergology 46, 252-257,2006.

  71. Sakaguchi, M.: CpG vaccine. Allergy in Practice 26, 972-975, 2006.

  72. Fujimura, T., Sakaguchi, M.: Current status of cedar pollen allergen analysis and its cross reactivity. Clinical Immunology and Allergology 46:613-618, 2006.

  73. Sakaguchi, M.: What is the mechanism of pollinosis onset? Allergic Diseases in Q&A 2:555-557, 2006.

  74. Sakaguchi, M.: Peptide DNA immunotherapy. Allergy in Practice 27, 35-41, 2007.

  75. Sakaguchi, M.: Spontaneous animals in cedar pollinosis. Therapeutics 41, 27-31, 2007.

  76. Sakaguchi, M.: DNA immunotherapy in allergic diseases. Japanese Journal of Pediatric Allergy 21, 28-31, 2007.

  77. Sakaguchi, M.: CpG vaccine. Allergy and Immunology 14, 780-784, 2007.

  78. Sakaguchi, M.: Cedar pollen allergens. Visual Veterinary Dermatology 3, 214-220, 2007.

  79. Shirai, S.,Sakaguchi, M.: Allergen quantification with a focus on mites in the indoor environment. Allergy in Practice 27, 64-66, 2007.

  80. Sakaguchi, M.: Mite allergens. Visual Veterinary Dermatology 3, 315-320, 2007.

  81. Sakaguchi, M.: Food allergens. Visual Veterinary Dermatology 4, 49-53, 2008.

  82. Sakaguchi, M.: Pollen allergens other than cedar pollen. Visual Veterinary Dermatology 4, 120-125, 2008.

  83. Sakaguchi, M.: Animal allergens. Visual Veterinary Dermatology 4, 209-214, 2008.

  84. Sakaguchi, M.: DNA vaccines incorporating allergen genes. Allergy from the Nose to Lung 6, 8-12, 2008.

  85. Sakaguchi, M.: IgE antibody test method. Veterinary and Livestock Science 61, 451-455, 2008.

  86. Sakaguchi, M.: Drugs and drug-related product allergens. Visual Veterinary Dermatology 4, 304-310, 2008.

  87. Sakaguchi, M.: Insect allergens. Visual Veterinary Dermatology 4, 352-356, 2008.

  88. Sakaguchi, M.: Fungal allergens, Visual Veterinary Dermatology 4, 458-463, 2008.

  89. Sakaguchi, M.: DNA immunotherapy in cedar pollinosis. Infection, Inflammation and Immunity 38, 337-339, 2008.

  90. Sakaguchi. M.: DNA immunotherapy in cedar pollinosis. Veterinary and Livestock Science News 62,31-34,2009.

  91. Hirahara. K.,Sakaguchi, M.: Peptide immunotherapy for cedar pollinosis. Veterinary and Livestock Science News 62,27-30,2009.

  92. Sakaguchi, M.: Sick house syndrome and chemical sensitivity. Visual Veterinary Dermatology 5, 35-38, 2009.

  93. Sakaguchi, M.: Contact dermatitis allergens. Visual Veterinary Dermatology 5,134-139, 2009.

  94. Sakaguchi, M.: Methods of testing for sensitizing allergens. Visual Veterinary Dermatology 5,216-223, 2009.

  95. Sakaguchi, M.: New immunotherapy. Pediatrics Clinical Practice 72:1289-1295, 2009.

  96. Sakaguchi, M.: Immunotherapy for allergic diseases and future prospects. Visual Veterinary Dermatology 5,294-301,2009.

  97. Sakaguchi, M.: Methods for measuring allergens in the environment. Visual Veterinary Dermatology 5,382-390,2009.

  98. Sakaguchi, M.: Evaluation of allergens in the environment. Visual Veterinary Dermatology 5,457-465,2009.

  99. Sakaguchi, M.: Animal allergy. Laboratory Animals and the Environment 18, 187-192, 2010.

  100. Kawarai, S.,Sakaguchi, M.: An attempt of the canine biobank project. J-Vet 23, 57-64,

  101. Sakaguchi, M., Shirai, S.: Indoor environmental allergens. Journal of Japan Air Cleaning Association 48, 4-10, 2010.

  102. Sakaguchi, M.: Pet allergens in indoor environment. Journal of Japan Air Cleaning Association 48,28-33,2010.

  103. Sakaguchi, M., Fujimura, T.: The forefront of allergen analysis. Allergy in Practice 30, 587-592, 2010.

  104. Sakaguchi, M.: Allergic adverse reactions during vaccination of dogs. Nippon Jyuishi Kairanban 102,19-23,2010.

  105. Sakaguchi, M.: Animal allergy. Experimental Animal Technology 45,99-102, 2010.

  106. Sakaguchi, M., Hirahara, K., Fujimura, T. and Toda, M.: Approaches for immunotherapies in Japanese cedar pollinosis. Auris Nasus Larynx 38, 431-438, 2011.

  107. Sakaguchi, M.: Allergen vaccines with adjuvants in curative immunotherapy for allergic diseases. Asthma 24, 58-62, 2011.

  108. Shirai, H.,Sakaguchi, M.: Measurement of indoor allergens. Journal of Japan Air Cleaning Association 48, 17-23, 2011.

  109. Sakaguchi, M.: Biobank project of spontaneous animals and dogs in cedar pollinosis. Bulletin of the Kansai Society for Experimental Animals 33, 64-67, 2011.

  110. Sakaguchi, M.: DNA immunotherapy for allergic diseases. Japanese Journal of Allergology 60, 1591-1597, 2011.

  111. Shirai, H.,Sakaguchi, M.: Evaluation of indoor environmental allergens. Allergy in Practice 33, 51-56, 2013.

  112. Sakaguchi, M.: Laboratory animal allergy and environmental factors. Experimental Animals and the Environment 21,113-116, 2013.

  113. Sakaguchi, M.: Immunotherapy for allergy: development of desensitization therapy and new immunotherapy. J-Vet 27, 8-14, 2014.

  114. Sakaguchi, M.: Immunotherapy for allergy: development of desensitization therapy and new immunotherapy. J-Vet 27, 8-14, 2014.

  115. Shirai, S.,Sakaguchi, M.: Methods for measuring mite and pollen allergens.  Journal of Japan Air Cleaning Association 53,241-248,2015.

  116. Sakaguchi, M.: Evaluation of mite allergens in the environment and countermeasures. Journal of Japan Air Cleaning Association 53,299-304,2016.

  117. Shimakura, H,, Uchiyama, J.,Sakaguchi, M.: Clinical application of oral and sublingual immunotherapy in allergic diseases. Japanese Society for Animal Vaccine and Biomedical Research 13, 21-25, 2016.

  118. Uchiyama, J., Takeuchi, K., Hirayama, R., Shimakura, H.,Sakaguchi, M., Matsuzaki. S.: Helicobacter pylori phage and its genome. Helicobacter Research 20, 470-474, 2016.

  119. Sakaguchi, M., Miyaji. K., Hirahara. K., Fujimura, T.: Cedar pollen allergens. Allergy and Immunology 24, 34-46, 2017.

  120. Shirai, S.,Sakaguchi, M.: Methods for measuring indoor allergens. Chemical Times, 243, 12-17, 2017.

  121. Sakaguchi, M.: Pet allergens: biological and environmental aspects (dogs, cats, etc). Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 57, 232-236, 2017.

  122. Sakaguchi, M.: Human and animal allergic diseases in One Health. One Health Science 1, 7-8, 2018.

  123. Shimakura, H.,Sakaguchi, M.: IgE testing for allergen components. Veterinary Immunology for Practitioners 12, 38-44, 2018.

  124. Sakaguchi, M.: Allergy and intestinal microflora in humans and pets. Journal of the Society of Pet Nutrition, 21, 152-153, 2018.

  125. Shimakura, H.,Sakaguchi, M.: Allergic adverse reactions in small animal vaccines. Veterinary Immunology for Practitioners 14, 2-7, 2019.

  126. Shirai, H.,Sakaguchi, M.: Measurement of pet allergens using immunological assay: cat allergens on the wall of a cat dwelling. Air Pollution 56, 56-59, 2019.

  127. Igarashi, H., Uchiyama, J., Neo, S., Murakami, H., Fukuyama, T., Hisasue, M.,Sakaguchi, M.: Current status of intestinal microbiota research in dogs and cats. Precision Medicine 66, 358-362, 2019.

  128. Sakaguchi, M., Shirai, S.: Laboratory animal allergy. Allergy in Practice 42, 352-356, 2022.

  129. Sakaguchi, M.: Japanese cedar pollen allergens. Science of Mibyo 1, 4-8, 2023.

  130. Sakaguchi, M.: mite allergens. Pet Health Research 2, 22-26, 2023.

  131. Sakaguchi, M.: Allergies to become the problem in autumn. Japan Architectural Health, Management and Education Center 182, 46-54, 2023.

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