ホーム » Allergen Extracts » House Dust Mite

We continually contribute wisdom and technology to create a safe and comfortable environment for everyone.

A business that uses measurements of the effects of anti-allergic products in indoor spaces, together with patient symptom improvement questionnaires (QOL questionnaires) and the related data, to provide consulting services

R2 Business Restructuring

It is said that, at present, about half of all Japanese people have allergic diseases. The prevalence of pediatric asthma is 20%, and 8 million people are thought to suffer from it. Of these, 90% have been shown to be allergic to house dust containing mites and mite carcasses.
This is why our company has conducted testing, measurements, and research on environmental allergies, chiefly those involving dust mites, since its founding. Over the course of our history, our company has measured the performance of anti-mite products developed by many manufacturers. we have continued to conduct research to enable us to help improve symptoms in people who suffer from environmental allergies.

Going forward, we will make use of our measurement techniques and accumulated know-how in a new consulting business using measurements of the effects of anti-allergic products in indoor spaces such as residences, hotel rooms, and hospitals, along with questionnaires on improvement of patients’ symptoms (QOL questionnaires) and related data, to further assist people suffering from allergic symptoms.
*QOL = Quality of life

New business
(allergen measurement and consulting in actual living spaces)

In order to contribute to alleviation of symptoms in patients suffering from allergic diseases such as mites, we will conduct a consulting business to measure and evaluate allergens in actual indoor space and provide advice on environmental improvement based on the data.



Measurement of allergens in room space

Amounts of allergens before and after the installation of anti-allergic products will be measured in the residential rooms of patients with allergic diseases, in guest rooms such as hotels and inns, and in hospital rooms, etc.
The measurement method will be the sandwich ELISA method and a PCR method currently under development.



Symptom survey (QOL questionnaire)

In the homes of allergy patients, the actual alleviation of allergy symptoms before and after placement of anti-allergic products will be investigated using a quality of life (QOL) questionnaire.
A dedicated application with which to conduct the questionnaire will be developed.



Environmental improvement consulting

Amounts of allergen in room space will be measured, and patient QOL questionnaires will be analyzed, and the sponsor will be provided with feedback on the results.
Moreover, based on the results of the survey and analysis, we will provide advice to patients, hotels, hospitals, construction companies, etc. regarding the combination of effective anti-allergic products and how to use them.

Patients and others will be asked to use anti-allergic products in actual environments, and then the effects will be evaluated through the “measurement of the amount of allergens in indoor space” and the “QOL questionnaire”. We will then use these data to provide advice (consulting) on the improvement of living space, hotel rooms, hospital rooms, etc.