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House Dust Mite Extract, Whole Culture (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus)

House Dust Mite Extract, Whole Culture (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus)

Item # Pack Size Price
4-DP-001 1mL 13,000
Antigen Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (House Dust Mite)
Material House Dust Mites, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, culture medium
Standard ・Including 10 µg/vial of Der p 1 allergen (measured by sandwich-ELISA).
・Add 1.0 mL distilled water (or equivalent). It will become phosphate buffered saline [PBS] (pH7.4), solution.
Components Extracts from Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus culture medium (filtered with membranfilter, pore size 0.45 µm), Phosphate-buffered Saline, Contains preservatives
Storage Store at 2-8℃
Don’t leave at room temperature for long periods of time.
Avoid repeating freezing and thawing.
Note This product is a reagent for experimens. Cannot be used for treatment and diagnosis purposes.
Handle with care because it has allergenic properties.
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  • ■ Reference

    Hyper-reactive cloned mice generated by direct nuclear transfer of antigen‐specific CD4+T cells. EMBO Rep. 18, 885–893 (2017). [Pubmed, Fulltext]

    Semicontinuous Measurement of Mite Allergen (Der f 2) Using a Surface Acoustic Wave Immunosensor under Moderate pH for Long Sensor Lifetime. Sensors Mater. 29, 1679–1687 (2017). [Fulltext]

    Direct analysis of airborne mite allergen (Der f 1) in the residential atmosphere by chemifluorescent immunoassay using bioaerosol sampler. Talanta 123, 241–246 (2014). [Pubmed, Fulltext]


All products that ITEA sells are reagent for experiment.
Cannot be used for treatment and diagnosis purposes.
We do not sell our products to individuals.