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  1. Inouye. S., Sakaguchi, M., Miyazawa, H., and Suzuki, S.: Epidemiology of Japanese cedar pollinosis. “IgE antibody production and environment factors.” in Muranaka, M., Taniguchi, M. (eds). Medical Tribune, Tokyo, p31-40, 1990.

  2. Inouye, S., Sakaguchi, M., Imaoka, K., Miyazawa, H., and Suzuki. S.: Study on for Japanese cedar pollinosis. “Pollen allergy and air pollution” in Kabuto, S., Suzuki, T. (eds). Shinohara Publishing, Tokyo, p65-69,1995.

  3. Sakaguchi, M., and Inouye, S.: Immediate systemic side effects including anaphylaxis after vaccination. “Vaccination manual” in Kato, T. (ed). Shinko Medical Publishing, Tokyo, p67-73, 1998.

  4. Sakaguchi, M., and Inouye, S.: Immediate systemic side effects including anaphylaxis after vaccination. “Vaccine frontline III” in Kamiya, H., Takahashi, R.(eds). Pharmaceutical Journal, Osaka, p19-26, 1999.

  5. Sakaguchi, M.: Mite and allergy. “The latest veterinary practice handbook” in Hasegawa, A.(ed). Interzoo, Tokyo, p320-323, 1999.

  6. Sakaguchi, M.: Measurement method for airborne allergens. pollen. ”Indoor air cleaner handbook” in Ikeda, K. et al. (eds). Ohmsha, Tokyo, p120-121, p151, 2000.

  7. Sakaguchi, M., Toda, M., Hirahara, K., and Shiraishi, A.: Development of new immunotherapies (peptide and DNA vaccines) for Japanese cedar pollen. “Current advances in pediatric asthma and other allergic diseases.” in Morikawa, A. (ed). Jomo Newpaper Co. Ltd, Maebashi, Japan, p93-96, 2002.

  8. Sakaguchi, M. and Inouye, S.: Gelatin allergies associated with diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccines. “Trends in Diphtheria Research.” in Wheeler B.S. (ed). Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA, p63-79, 2006.

  9. Sakaguchi, M.: Vaccine therapy for Japanese cedar pollinosis. “Pollinosis and peripheral allergic diseases.” in Saito, H. (ed). Diagnosis and Treatment Company, Tokyo, p174-175, 2007.

  10. Sakaguchi, M.: DNA Immunotherapy for allergic diseases. “Encyclopedia of biodefense medicine.” in Suzuki, K. et al. (eds), Asakura Bookstore, Tokyo, p104-107, 2007.

  11. Sakaguchi, M.: Body surface. “Creatures around the body” in Sakaguchi, M. (ed). Bunkeido, Tokyo, p1-31, 2007.

  12. Sakaguchi, M.: Immunodeficiency and autoimmunity. “Veterinary microbiology” in Mikami, T. et al. (eds). Buneidou, Tokyo, p363-366, 2011.

  13. Sakaguchi, M.: CpG vaccine. “Immunotherapy and molecular target therapy for allergic diseases” in Kondo, N. (ed). Diagnosis and Treatment, Tokyo, p110-114, 2013.

  14. Sakaguchi, M.: “Environmental allergy advisor test official text” in Sakaguchi, M. et al. (eds) Japan Management Association Management Center, Tokyo, 2013.

  15. Sakaguchi, M., Morita, H., and Taharaguchi, S.: “Microbiology,” Kodansha, Tokyo, 2013.

  16. Sakaguchi, M.: Non-specific biological defense (innate immunity). “Veterinary microbiology” in Fukudokoro, A. et al. (eds) Kindai Publishing, Tokyo, p41-44, 2014.

  17. Sakaguchi, M.: Pet. “Identification and countermeasures for inhalant allergens” in Taniguchi, M., Fukutomi, T., (eds). Medical Review, Tokyo, p34-37, 2014.

  18. Sakaguchi, M.: Animal allergens. “Familiar allergens hidden around you” in Taniguchi, M., Fukutomi, T. (eds). Medical Review, Tokyo, p14-17, 2015.

  19. Sakaguchi, M.: Infection and allergy. “Control and management of harmful microorganisms.” in Takashima, K. et al. (eds). Techno System, Tokyo, p186-193, 2016.

  20. Sakaguchi, M.: Pet allergens. “Knowing inhalant allergens” in Taniguchi, M., Fukutomi, T.(eds). Torii Pharmaceutical, Tokyo, p32-36, 2018.

  21. Sakaguchi, M.: Search for allergy-suppressing bacteria from dog microbiota. “Invitation to animal symbiosis science” University Education Publishing, Okayama, p116-123, 2020.

  22. Sakaguchi, M.: Dust mites and allergies, Pollen and allergies, Pets and allergies, Measures for the bedclothing, “Measures for allergies in houses” Environment Allergy Committee, The Japanese Society of Clinical Ecology.(eds) Gihodo Shuppan, Tokyo, 2023.

  23. Sakaguchi, M.: Seed plants: pollen, Pets: cats and dogs, Pets: Exotic Animals. “Dictionary of indoor environment” Society of Indoor Environment.(eds). Asakura Publishing, Tokyo, 2023.

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